Support Us

Supporting the Berlin Concert Choir

Your financial contributions are greatly appreciated

The substantial costs of presenting a major choral work — rental fees for the concert hall, music licensing and performance rights fees, payments to guest artists, etc. — are covered primarily by our concert revenues and the monthly contributions of our members. We also operate and support an extensive choral program for children and young adults, as the training of young singers is an important contribution to the future of choral singing and music education.

As a non-professional oratorio choir, we are subject to and must deal with the oft precarious and ever changing financial conditions of the cultural and classical music landscape in Berlin. Our website – now with English-language content – is just one example of our ongoing efforts to improve our visibility and marketing

We perform with professional musicians and remain committed to paying professional fees to our soloists and the musicians who accompany us. At the same time, we strive to include new and unknown works – works that often require a substantial number of singers and thus the larger, and more expensive, concert venues, not to mention the associated fees for performance rights and scores.

How you can help

With a direct financial contribution

Funds should be transferred to:

Account holder: Berliner Konzert Chor e.V.
IBAN: DE 86 1005 0000 1010 0213 85

Please mark your transaction as a Donation to BKC and also note your name and address in the reason-for-payment field so that we may send you a receipt for your contribution.

With your online purchases

  1. Visit our WeCanHelp webpage.
  2. Select the online shop of your choice.
  3. Make your purchase as you normally would.

With each online purchase, the Choir will automatically receive a small donation, at no extra cost to you! The amount of the donation is set by the online shop.

Donations received in 2024

23 single donations totaling 17.700 €

Thank you for your contribution!